Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Cross-border transport?

There will be a regular public cross-border bus line between Ruse and Giurgiu after 2 January 2007, according to the mayor of Ruse Bozhidar Yotov, as quoted here (in Bulgarian). The price of a ticket will equal the price of a town bus line ticket.

Even though I cross my fingers for that, me thinks - too good to be true. Currently a car that passes the border has to pay approximately 25 EUR in taxes and while some of them may fall out after 2007, the bridge tax, for example, can be still justified. I doubt that certain government agencies and groups with vested interests will allow the incomes from all the taxes to vanish just like that.

The first post...

and many to come, I hope.

OK, originally I wanted to register
as the URL for the weblog, but I did the mistake to do the registration with Opera. I know that there are many fans of the browser, however something with the post button went wrong. When I tried to do it again, I got a message that the name was unavailable, while at the same time it was not at my disposal, as I was the person who wanted to register it originally. Anyway, not a good start, but it's more important how things are going to develop from now on.